Notes to My Daughter

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1. Beloved Daughter:
No words can truly express the joy you bring to me! I love you!
2. Daughter: I believe in you!
3. Beloved Daughter:
I miss you more than words can possibly say!
4. Daughter:
A little hug…from me to you…across the miles. I miss you!
5. Daughter: Please never doubt…that you bring me joy.
6. My Daughter:
Please know that your secrets are always safe with me.
7. Beloved Daughter:
I can’t find the right words to explain… but I do understand.
8. Beloved Daughter:
I may not say it, but I am so very proud of you!
9. My Daughter: You choose…we talk…I support.
10. Even as you process all that has been said, I wait - with love - for you.
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1. Beloved Daughter:
No words can truly express the joy you bring to me! I love you!
2. Daughter: I believe in you!
3. Beloved Daughter:
I miss you more than words can possibly say!
4. Daughter:
A little hug…from me to you…across the miles. I miss you!
5. Daughter: Please never doubt…that you bring me joy.
6. My Daughter:
Please know that your secrets are always safe with me.
7. Beloved Daughter:
I can’t find the right words to explain… but I do understand.
8. Beloved Daughter:
I may not say it, but I am so very proud of you!
9. My Daughter: You choose…we talk…I support.
10. Even as you process all that has been said, I wait - with love - for you.